Study Abroad India Impacts a Students Life

Taj Mahal, India 2015

Taj Mahal, India 2015

The Taj Mahal, a sweet love story between an Emperor and his beloved that thousands visit annually as one of the World's Wonders, it continues to impact students leaving home for the first time. They are enchanted with the beauty, the hardships, the endurance and the love of India. Ashley Amundson experienced the rich culture and was moved by her experience. Ready to come home and make a difference.

Participating in Study Abroad SDSU through Women's Studies, Amundson describes her life changing trip this past year:


My trip to India was one of the most challenging yet rewarding experiences I’ve 

ever had in my entire 29 years of existence. It changed who I am as a feminist as well as 

a human being. There are things that we saw and learned that most people won’t ever 

do in their lifetime. We visited the Taj Mahal, met the Dahlia Lama, and learned about 

culture, religion and feminism. We not only learned about the daily struggles that Indian 

women faced- we saw them. I can’t tell you how humbling it is to gain firsthand 

experience of other cultures. Not only is it eye-opening but its life-changing. While some 

may think that it doesn’t apply to our lives here in America, I can tell you it does. What I 

learned in India was the importance of sustainability, mindfulness, gender roles, and 

reaching the ultimate goal- happiness. I encourage everyone to step out of their comfort 

zone and immerse yourself in a culture much different from your own. It will boost your 

intellect as well as reboot your inner self. Personally, when I returned from India I felt 

like a different person- a better version of myself. I was ready to tackle the world and 

create a difference- that is something that you can’t learn purely in a classroom. 

- Ashley Amundson


Assist us in impacting students like Ashley with new experiences that build confidence and drive to make a difference in their own communities.